Swimming can be overly tiring, even for fit individuals with good endurance levels. Sound familiar? Swimming is the most efficiency intensive activity. How well you swim is determined 80% [...]
Swimming can be overly tiring, even for fit individuals with good endurance levels. Sound familiar? Swimming is the most efficiency intensive activity. How well you swim is determined 80% [...]
One thing that irritates me about my partner is the way he gives directions. So detailed, so precise, so exact. I switch off, my brain wanders and I get lost! Coaches [...]
Post the COVID lockdown I invited a couple of my swimmers to attend a one day workshop to allow them a recap on our previous lessons. This experience really highlighted [...]
Swim & Tonic signed up to do swim the English Channel in 2019 as a relay team of six; swimandtonic.org are a movement of people who connect by swimming. For [...]
As a Coach it’s important to take myself out of my own comfort zone from time to time. Having turned down several offers to join English Channel relay teams in [...]
History shows that there are coaches who make a lasting impact on their sport, their impact and knowledge is shared with others and within that sport some gain 'Legend' status. [...]